

Together with Freiberger.Aero GmbH, we have crafted a strategy and concept for attracting highly skilled new talents. In addition to the strategy, we also provide hands-on support in its practical implementation. Freiberger.Aero specializes in optimizing CAD design processes for the aviation industry and relies on a highly specialized workforce.

  • Strategy
  • Employer Branding
Screenshot LinkedIn Social Media Präsenz Freiberger.Aero - Peel & Pulp Digital

The Challenge

Freiberger.Aero GmbH is a small, rapidly growing, and agile company that does not yet offer the security and resources of a large corporation. Especially in times of a skilled labor shortage when skilled professionals have their pick of job opportunities, it can be challenging to find qualified individuals who are the right fit for the company.

Neues Design Jobanzeige Freiberger.Aero - Peel & Pulp Digital.

The Strategy

We consistently highlight the advantages of Freiberger.Aero as an emerging, agile company, keeping them at the forefront. Coupled with a modern, open design and a targeted approach to addressing relevant topics, we demonstrate the value proposition for prospective employees.

Screenshot LinkedIn Social Media Post Freiberger.Aero - Peel & Pulp Digital. Julian and Gabor from Freiberger.Aero - Peel & Pulp Digital. Gabor working Freiberger.Aero - Peel & Pulp Digital.

The Implementation

We have revamped all relevant facets of our employee search efforts, including job postings, giving them a fresh new look and feel. Our messaging conveys enthusiasm and a strong desire to work at Freiberger.Aero. Through posts on professional social media platforms such as LinkedIn and Xing, we address topics that resonate with many potential employees, offering intriguing glimpses into daily life at Freiberger.Aero and showcasing the opportunities available for employees to make a real impact.

LinkedIn Posts Freiberger.Aero - Peel & Pulp Digital Beispiele LinkedIn Post Designs Freiberger.Aero - Peel & Pulp Digital.

Look & Feel

We simplify the complexity of the subject matter with a harmonious design that exudes simplicity and ease. Leveraging insights from scientific research, we create a positive user experience that genuinely ignites excitement for the new job. Customers can swiftly navigate through the process and are guided towards making a purchase through the application of psychological principles.